Mana Whakahaere | Your Board
Lewis Ratapu | Co-Chair
Rongomaiwahine, Ngāti Kahungunu ki Te Wairoa
Mana Whenua Membership | Appointed 27 June 2022
Lewis is the current General Manager for Tātau Tātau o Te Wairoa the Post-treaty Settlement Governance Entity for te rohe o Te Wairoa. Previous to this Lewis held executive and senior management roles with Te Taiwhenua o Heretaunga, Hawkes Bay District Health Board and the National Health & Disability Advocacy Service.
Qualifications include an Executive Masters in Business Administration, graduate qualification in quality systems, patient engagement design and clinical audit. Lewis’s masters research was in commissioning kaupapa Māori in public services.
Kerri Nuku | Co-Chair
Ngāti Kahungunu, Ngāi Tai
Mana Whenua Membership | Appointed 27 June 2022
Kerri has extensive background in the health sector as both a Registered Nurse and Midwife including her current role as Kaiwhakahaere at Tōpūtanga Tapuhi Kaitiaki o Aotearoa – New Zealand Nurses Organisation representing 52,000 members (nurses, midwivies, kaimahi hauora and tauria) including 3,800 Māori members, a position she has held fulltime since 2013.
Kerri’s knowledge and experience in the health sector includes nursing, midwifery, policy development, auditing, management, and governance and as a member of the ICN Audit and Risk Committee. Kerri is a strategist and thinker with governance experience and knowledge. Kerri has worked on the International Council of Nurses, Global Nurses United, and South Pacific Nurses Forum and the World Health Organisation (WHO), Human Resources for Health project.
Her advocacy for Workers’ Rights, specifically pay parity for the workforce within the Māori and Iwi Provider sector as evident in the Human Rights Commission report “A fair go for all”. As a collaborator in the United Nations Universal Periodic Review, the Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, shadow report and the Committee for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination.
As an active advocate and published researcher, her national and international accomplishments have seen her present interventions at the United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues (2016, 2017, 2018, and 2019) protecting freedoms and right of indigenous peoples. While leading several legal challenges, the Kaupapa Health Services enquiry, Mana Wahine claims and Oranga Tamariki under urgency.
Kerri is proud to be an Honorary Member of Tōpūtanga Tapuhi Kaitiaki o Aotearoa, New Zealand Nurses Organisation.
Darryn Russell | Board Member
Ngāi Tahu
Mātāwaka Membership | Appointed 27 June 2022
Darryn was appointed in 2021 as chief executive officer for the Heretaunga Tamatea Settlement Trust. For the 20 years prior he was first with the University of Otago as Director Māori Development for 10 years and the following 10 years at the University of Canterbury as Assistant Vice-Chancellor Māori, Pacific and Equity, including time as Acting Executive Director, Learning Resources.
Darryn currently sits on the following: Social Workers’ Tribunal – member; Retara Holdings Ltd -director; Ngāi Tahu Holdings Corp Ltd, Ngāi Tahu Capital Deed of indemnity – director. His prior governance roles have been with Ngāi Tahu Seafood Group, NZ Pharmacy Council, Araiteuru Whare Hauora Ltd, Aviva, He Oranga Pounamu, Te Kāhui Amokura, Nurse Maude and The Christchurch Arts Centre.
Darryn’s professional development: Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) Politics, University of Otago (2017); Post-Graduate Diploma Social Work (PGDipSW), University of Otago (2005); Masters of Indigenous Studies (MIndS), University of Otago (2004).
Henry Heke | Board Member
Mātāwaka Membership | Appointed 27 June 2022
Henry Heke is Group Manager Māori Health for Health Hawkes Bay, on secondment while continuing his role at HBDHB as Head of Intersector and Special Projects. During the COVID-19 lockdown, Henry spearheaded the Tihei Mauri Ora Emergency Response Centre to support Hawke’s Bay Māori and Pasifika communities which extended to include the Multi-cultural Association. His team made sure whānau pounamu (vulnerable families) received welfare support which included food parcels, clothing, and firewood deliveries.
Prior to moving into health, Henry brought 15 years of experience as Māori Business Growth Advisor with Te Puni Kōkiri. Henry’s appointment will enable Health Hawke’s Bay and HBDHB to work collaboratively and share the vision of ‘whānau ora, hapori ora’ (healthy families, healthy communities). Henry is passionate about te reo and tikanga, supporting kaupapa Māori practices at Health Hawke’s Bay.
Beverly Te Huia Ellison | Board Member
Ngāti Kahungunu, Ngāi Tahu
Mana Whenua Membership | Appointed 27 June 2022
Ngāti Kahungunu & Ngai Tahu is a Public Health Strategist/Manager at Kahungunu Health Services, based in the Hawkes Bay. She is a public health strategic leader in local Iwi-led organisations and health services and undertakes research and evaluation in Hauora Māori health.
She has qualifications in midwifery, health science, public health, board and chair experience on national and regional groups.
Heather Te Au Skipworth | Board Member
Ngāti Kahungunu, Ngāi Tahu, Ngati Ruanui, Ngāti Rangitihi, Ngāti Tūwharetoa
Mana Whenua Membership | Appointed 27 June 2022
Heather Te Au-Skipworth (Ngāti Kahungunu, Ngāi Tahu, Ngati Ruanui, Ngāti Rangitihi, Ngāti Tūwharetoa) is the creator, visionary and CEO of Iron Māori a Hauora kaupapa she started in 2009 . The kaupapa was set up to tackle the growing issue of ill health amongst Māori and is proudly open to all people of all shapes and sizes. Heather’s strive for equity isn’t just in the health space. Today, it boasts events right across Aotearoa with numbers reaching 60,000 participants and is now in its 15th year of existence.
Heather stood for Te Pāti Māori in the 2020 general elections for parliament, and is the current candidate for Te Pāti Māori in the Ikaroa Rawhiti electorate heading in to this years 2023 Government elections.
Previous roles include: Elected board member of the recently devolved Hawke’s Bay District Health Board. Ngati Ruanui board member that managed the Health Services. Kahungunu Services Gym Manager/Lifestyle coach. Te Taiwhenua o Heretaunga Lifestyle coach. Ngati Kahungunu Iwi Asset Board.