Whānau voice – shaping the evolution of hauora

Footage image - mountains and koru


Tihei Tākitimu connects with whānau and hapū to gather information about hauora needs. We understand how important it is for our community to have a safe space to share what is working and what needs improving in our health services. We want to hear your stories and experiences within the health system so we can advocate for whānau needs. Together we can create change to ensure the wellbeing of our rohe.



Over the next two decades, the Māori population is expected to grow to an estimated 69,110. This will mean Māori will make up 35% of the total population. We will also be older – with 12% of the Māori population set to be 65 and over, compared to 8% in 2023.

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Ā mātou mahi

Tihei Tākitimu creates safe spaces to connect with whānau and hapū, so that we can understand what is working and what needs improving within our health services. By capturing your experiences within the health system, we are able to advocate for changes to improve the hauora of our communities.

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Mana whakahaere

The inaugural Board comprises 6 members, bringing passion, knowledge, experience and an ambition to enable whānau to have a voice at the table when it comes to health.

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Iwi-Māori Partnership Boards are the primary source of the voice of whānau within the health system. We focus on ensuring government health agencies understand the inequities and barriers experienced by our communities and advise them on how they can be addressed. Connecting with local whānau and hapū to understand health needs, the purpose of Iwi-Māori Partnership Boards is to represent local Māori perspectives on:

  • needs and aspirations regarding hauora Māori outcomes
  • how the health sector is performing in relation to needs and aspirations
  • the design and delivery of services


As an Iwi Māori Partnership Board we are mandated to fulfill a number of functions. The functions of the Board are to work within the following areas:

Whānau Voice: Engage with whānau and hapū about local health needs and communicate results and insights to Health New Zealand.

Needs Analysis and Priority Setting: Evaluate the current state of hauora Māori to determine priorities for improving hauora Māori.

Monitoring: Monitor the local performance of the health system, and report on the activities of Health New Zealand to Māori in our area.

Influence Investment and Innovation: Engage with Health New Zealand and support its priorities for kaupapa Māori investment and innovation.



He Kanohi Hōmiromiro

Rights-based focused and determined to create change for the betterment of Māori.

He Kanohi Kitea

Connected, accountable, and responsive to mana whenua and hapori Māori.

He Pononga mō te Iwi

Committed to its role as a servant of the communities, and the attainment of whānau, hapū, and iwi health aspirations.

He Mana Motuhake

Dedicated to elevating the rangatiratanga of whānau, hapū and iwi in health services within the region.

He Ringa Hora

Dedicated to manaaki, and ensuring Māori and non-Māori that live within the region, are well cared for.



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