Needs VS Race Debate
'Ethnicity is an evidence-based marker of need (and targeting services is good medical practice)'
Much has been said about the ongoing Need vs Race debate, following the government’s announcement that it would mandate all initiatives to be needs-based rather than ethnicity based. Check out this robust Editorial ‘Ethnicity is an evidence-based marker of need (and targeting services is good medical practice)’ by Belinda Loring, Papaarangi Reid, Elana Curtis, Melissa McLeod, Ricci Harris, Rhys Jones.
Thanks to The New Zealand Medical Journal for this excellent piece. For more articles like this and to stay up to date with health sector issues, please subscribe to their website for free.
Māori Health Index
Kahungunu Executive
- Mobile nursing
- Mobile clinic
- Te Ara Waiora Clinic
- Tamariki Ora
- Hao te Rangatahi
- Social Services
- Hinengaro Services
Hauora Maioha
- Karakia
- Mirimiri
- Support and advocacy services
Contact: Work on a referral from GP or Māori Health provider out of Wairoa Hospital
Wairoa Taiwhenua
- Wairoa Foodbank
- Whakapapa Research Enquiries
- Alternative Education
- Whānau Engagement
Contact: (06) 838 4748
Queen St Medical Centre
Low Cost Practice
- GP Services
- Nursing Services
- Immunisations
- Disability Services
- COVID-19 support
Contact: (06) 838 8333
Te Whare Maire
- Social Services
- Welfare Support
Address: Cnr Locke and Queen Streets, Wairoa 4108
Waiora Meals on Wheels
Supplies lunches to households and elderly people seven days a week.
Contact: 06 838 7099 (ext 4842 – Nikky Turipa)
Health Care Centre Ltd
Low Cost Practice
- Community & Rehabilitation
- Nursing Services
- Disability Services
- Mental Health & Wellbeing
- Social Services
Contact: 0800 002 722
Wairoa Health
Low Cost Practice
- Emergency Dept, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
- Maternity services
- Specialist outpatient clinics — Cardiology, Renal, Neurology, Dermatology, Orthopaedics, Vascular, Gynae/obstet, Colposcopy, Urology, Ear Nose & Throat, Orthoptics.
- Laboratory/testing services
- Radiology (x-ray) services
- Mental health and addiction services
- Community and district nursing services
Contact: 06 838 7099
Te Taiwhenua o Te Whanganui ā Orotu
- Wāhine Ora
- Jobs for Nature
- Rangatahi support
Te Kupenga Hauora
- Nursing
- Free Health Checks
- Emergency Housing
- Family Start
- Stop Smoking
- Whānau Ora
- Youth Services
- Suicide Prevention
Contact: 06 835 1840
Youth LIFT
- Employment Support
- Drivers License Support
- Employment Placements
Maraenui Medical Centre
Low Cost Practices
- GP Services
- Nursing Services
- Allied Health
- Pharmacy onsite
Contact: (06) 843 8010
Chloe Katene
Awhina Whānau Services
- Individual, Tamariki & Whānau Counselling
- Healthy relationships & Non-violence programmes
- Trauma & abuse support
- Tamariki & Rangatahi programmes
Contact: 0800 1 WHĀNAU (0800 194 2628)
Springhill Services
Provides a structured eight-week residential environment for motivated adults committed to overcoming addiction. Referrals to the centre must be made by a Drug and Alcohol Counsellor.
Contact: 06 873 4896
Roopu a Iwi Trust
- Caregiver support for whānau
- Welfare Packs
- COVID-19 Support
- Social Services
- Oranga Rangatahi
- Paiheretia Te Muka Tangata
- Pakeke Raising Mokopuna
- Whānau Care Services
- Rongoā Services
- Strengthening Families
Contact: 06 843 1590
AIO Healing
Dr Charlotte Mildon
- Mirimiri
- Rongoā
- Te Oomai Reia Romiromi
- Nutrition
- PT
Contact: 027 557 5002
Māwhiti Ora
- Provide safe/confidential space for whitiwhiti kōrero
- Mirimiri
- Knowledge of kai pai (high-vibration food)
- Wairākau (plant-based tonics)
- Whatu kakahū (traditional weaving techniques)
One Voice Community Services Trust
- Support workers – physical, mental emotional, disability
- Domestic violence and sexual abuse support
- Suicide prevention
- Safe housing
Rush Fit
Xtreme Hip Hop With The Henryz
- Hip Hop dance classes
- Free step classes for whānau
- Personal training
Te Taiwhenua o Heretaunga
- Practice Plus Virtual Consult
- GP Services
- Nursing Services
- Pharmacy Services
- Immunisations
- Free Health Coaching
- Respiratory Clinic
- Sexual Health
- Quit-smoking support
- Mental Wellbeing
- Counselling
- Travel vaccines
- Heart-health assessments
- Cervical checks
- Contraception
- Diabetes care
Contact: 0800 TAIWHENUA
Ikaroa Rangatahi Social Services
- Abuse and violence support
- Counselling and therapy
- Social work
- Youth Support (Alternative Action)
- Pou Amo
- Residential Care
- Supported Flexi-Bail
- Tiaki Tangata – Reintegration service
- Support with alcohol and drug dependency
- Pregnancy and parenting
- LGBTQIA+ friendly
Contact: (06) 879 9495. Walk-in’s available during business hours
Kaimiri Healing
Tōtara Health
- Low-cost GP & nursing services
Contact: 0800 222 757
lnnov8 Group Ltd
- Counselling services
- Holiday Programmes
- Ready2Rent workshops
- Youth transition services
Te Timatanga Ararau Trust
- Mobility Action Program
- Green Prescription
- Active families
Contact: 0800 662 7746, 068459333, 06-845 9336
Hastings Health Centre
- Māori & Pacific Health Provider
- GPs
- Urgent Care
- Pharmacy
Contact: 06 873 8999
Flaxmere Boxing Academy
- High-intensity fitness classes
- Onsite medical and psychological expertise from Māori practitioners
- Dedicated E Tū Whānau and administration spaces
- PTs
MOANA - Massage & Natural Remedies
- Massage therapy (sports, pregnancy, hot rocks)
- Reflexology
- Mirimiri
PolyActive HB
- Free medium-high intensity workouts
- Personal trainers
- Aerobic dance
- Bboxing classes
Soul Massage
Capryce has a background in Care work for people with disabilities ranging from Autism, Tetraplegia, Cerebral Palsy, Downs Syndrome and is currently still working in this field.
- Traditional Māori healing – Romiromi and Mirimiri
Kahungunu Health & Community Services (Choices)
- GP
- Nurses and Midwives
- Counsellor / Social Worker
- Lifestyle Coaches
- Rongoā and Mirimiri Practitioner
- Smokefree Educator
- Kaiāwhina
- Early Childcare Teachers and Educators
- Reintegration Facilitators
- Whare Matua
- Pregnancy testing
- Hapū Mama classes
- School-based nursing services
- Auahi Kore – Smoke-free programme
- Sexual health promotion and referral
- Breast and cervical screening
- Immunisation
- Kaiāwhina support
- Free contraception
Contact: 0508 942 628
Pursuit Rangatahi Services
- Pre-employment support
- Interview Prep
- Confidence Workshops
- Pastoral Care and Support
- Social media Tikanga
- Basic digital skills
- CV & Cover Letter Creation
- Internships & cadetships
Contact: 06 879 4538
Nevertheless Rainbow Hub
- Māori, Pasifika and Takatāpui Rainbow+ mental health
Hauora Heretaunga Medical & Injury
- Kaupapa Māori GP Services
- Practice Plus Virtual Consult
- Cervical Screening
- Immunisations
- Long Acting Reversible Contraception (LARC)
Contact: (06) 871 5352
Te Wahanga Māori Health
Wide range of services available
Contact: 0800 333 671
Te Rangi Haeata Oranga Trust
- Gambling recovery services
Contact: 06 876 6267
Hastings Health Centre
- General medical clinic
Contact: 06 858 9559
The Doctors Waipawa
- GP services
- Nursing services
- Cervical Screening
- Immunisations
- COVID-19 support
Contact: (06) 857 8507
Tuki Tuki Medical
- GP services
- Nursing services
- Cervical Screening
- Immunisations
- COVID-19 support
- Disability Assistance
Contact: (06) 858 7767
2024 February Engagement Calendar
Find us here in February
Sunday, 4th
Tuesday, 6th
Thursday, 8th
Friday, 9th
Saturday, 10th
Napier Waterfront Markets
Waitangi Day, Sports Park, Hastings
Māori Wellbeing Symposium, Napier War Memorial Conference Centre
Māori Wellbeing Symposium, Napier War Memorial Conference Centre
Māori Wellbeing Symposium, Napier War Memorial Conference Centre
Sunday, 4th | Napier Waterfront Markets
Tuesday, 6th | Waitangi Day, Sports Park, Hastings
Thursday, 8th | Māori Wellbeing Symposium, Napier War Memorial Conference Centre
Friday, 9th | Māori Wellbeing Symposium, Napier War Memorial Conference Centre
Saturday, 10th | Māori Wellbeing Symposium, Napier War Memorial Conference Centre
Iwi-Māori partnership boards Māori Health Authority
Iwi-Māori partnership boards (IMPBs) are a key feature in the new health reforms, with decision making roles at a local level, and jointly agreed local priorities and delivery with Te Whatu Ora.
Currently, eleven iwi-Māori partnership boards have been formally recognised under the Pae Ora (Healthy Futures) Act 2022(external link):
- Te Taumata Hauora Te Kahu o Taonui IMPB, Tai Tokerau & Tāmaki
- Te Moana a Toi IMPB, Mataatua
- Tairāwhiti Toitū Te Ora IMPB, Tairāwhiti
- Te Taura Ora ō Waiariki IMPB, Te Arawa
- Tūwharetoa IMPB, Tūwharetoa
- Te Punanga Ora IMPB, Taranaki
- Te Mātuku IMPB, Whanganui
- Tihei Tākitimu IMPB, Takitimu Hawkes Bay
- Te Pae Oranga o Ruahine o Tararua IMPB, Manawatū
- Te Karu o te Ika Poari Hauora IMPB, Wairarapa
- Āti Awa Toa IMPB, Greater Wellington/Hutt
Further iwi-Māori partnership boards are working their way through the formal recognition process.
IMPBs are the primary source of whānau voice in the system and influence regional strategies through Te Aka Whai Ora:
- They will create an authentic vision and strategies for addressing their shared concerns and solutions to improve the health system
- They will enable iwi, hapū and whānau to exercise rangatiratanga in their rohe
- They ensure tangata whenua voices are heard and local health services reflect those who need and use them
- This will help build a stronger Māori workforce, support the growth in capability and capacity of hauora Māori healthcare providers, and encourage more innovation in services that deliver better outcomes for Māori.

How IMPBs work
Iwi-Māori partnership boards are legislatively recognised to ensure Māori governance in the determination of health priorities for iwi and Māori across localities.
The changes arising from the health reforms establish a localities approach that ensures health services are organised in a way that makes sense to the geographic communities they service.
Under the locality governance – led by IMPBs and community leaders – localities work with communities and local primary care, community providers, local social care services and local government to improve service delivery and Māori health and wellbeing outcomes.
- A key focus for Te Aka Whai Ora will be working with IMPBs to ensure services are being designed to meet local context in each locality and to recognise the unique mana whenua aspirations in each rohe (region)
- IMPBs will voice the aspirations and priorities of Māori communities, agree locality plans and influence regionally through their relationship with Te Aka Whai Ora.
SOURCE | Te Aka Whai Ora – Iwi-Māori partnership boards | Māori Health Authority (
Tihei Tākitimu Partnership Board announced - BayBuzz
The inaugural Iwi-Māori Partnership Board has been chosen that will play a vital role in the design and delivery of health services for Hawke’s Bay under the newly-reformed health system.
The eight-member Board known as Tihei Tākitimu Partnership Board (TTPB) will work closely with the Māori Health Authority and Health NZ assessing the health needs of whānau, identifying priorities and monitoring the services provided.
Waylyn Tahuri-Whaipakanga, chairperson of the Board’s Establishment Steering Group and CEO of Te Taiwhenua o Heretaunga, says the TTPB, which is a mix of iwi members, mātāwaka (from other tribal groupings outside HB) and health professionals, “shares a commitment and dedication to improving Māori health with a strong community focus.”
The Board members are:
Beverly Te Huia – Chair for Ngā Maia Māori Midwives Aotearoa and member of Midwife Choices;
Darryn Russell – Chief Executive at Heretaunga Tamatea Settlement;
Lewis Ratapu – (interim chair) General Manager Tatau Tatau o te Wairoa;
Coralee Thompson – Advisor Māori Health at Health Hawke’s Bay;
Kerri Nuku – Kaiwhakahaere (Governance Leader) for the New Zealand Nurses Organisation (NZNO);
Heather Skipworth – Founder of IronMāori and former HBDHB Board Member;
Henry Heke – General Manager, Māori Health, Health Hawke’s Bay;
Tania Eden – CEO at Te Whanganui a Orotū.
Source | Bay Buzz – Tihei Tākitimu Partnership Board announced – BayBuzz