Iwi-Māori partnership boards (IMPBs) are a key feature in the new health reforms, with decision making roles at a local level, and jointly agreed local priorities and delivery with Te Whatu Ora.
Currently, eleven iwi-Māori partnership boards have been formally recognised under the Pae Ora (Healthy Futures) Act 2022(external link):
- Te Taumata Hauora Te Kahu o Taonui IMPB, Tai Tokerau & Tāmaki
- Te Moana a Toi IMPB, Mataatua
- Tairāwhiti Toitū Te Ora IMPB, Tairāwhiti
- Te Taura Ora ō Waiariki IMPB, Te Arawa
- Tūwharetoa IMPB, Tūwharetoa
- Te Punanga Ora IMPB, Taranaki
- Te Mātuku IMPB, Whanganui
- Tihei Tākitimu IMPB, Takitimu Hawkes Bay
- Te Pae Oranga o Ruahine o Tararua IMPB, Manawatū
- Te Karu o te Ika Poari Hauora IMPB, Wairarapa
- Āti Awa Toa IMPB, Greater Wellington/Hutt
Further iwi-Māori partnership boards are working their way through the formal recognition process.
IMPBs are the primary source of whānau voice in the system and influence regional strategies through Te Aka Whai Ora:
- They will create an authentic vision and strategies for addressing their shared concerns and solutions to improve the health system
- They will enable iwi, hapū and whānau to exercise rangatiratanga in their rohe
- They ensure tangata whenua voices are heard and local health services reflect those who need and use them
- This will help build a stronger Māori workforce, support the growth in capability and capacity of hauora Māori healthcare providers, and encourage more innovation in services that deliver better outcomes for Māori.

How IMPBs work
Iwi-Māori partnership boards are legislatively recognised to ensure Māori governance in the determination of health priorities for iwi and Māori across localities.
The changes arising from the health reforms establish a localities approach that ensures health services are organised in a way that makes sense to the geographic communities they service.
Under the locality governance – led by IMPBs and community leaders – localities work with communities and local primary care, community providers, local social care services and local government to improve service delivery and Māori health and wellbeing outcomes.
- A key focus for Te Aka Whai Ora will be working with IMPBs to ensure services are being designed to meet local context in each locality and to recognise the unique mana whenua aspirations in each rohe (region)
- IMPBs will voice the aspirations and priorities of Māori communities, agree locality plans and influence regionally through their relationship with Te Aka Whai Ora.
SOURCE | Te Aka Whai Ora – Iwi-Māori partnership boards | Māori Health Authority (teakawhaiora.nz)